HatchTech, HuaYu and Hy-Line have agreed on the construction of world’s largest layer hatchery. The hatchery will be built in Handan, in the Hebei province of China, and will have a total capacity of 55 million commercial layers per year.
HuaYu and Hy-Line believe HatchTech’s incubation technology will enable them to optimally meet customer demands, both today and in the future.
Uniformly controlled environment for embryos
In a statement announcing the project the companies expressed their appreciation for the patented MicroClimer technology in HatchTech’s Setters and Hatchers, where the embryos are incubated in a uniformly controlled environment. This technology allows high-velocity airflow, which is cooled or heated between each section, to be uniformly distributed throughout the incubator.
“HatchTech is well known for its ability to provide superior quality chicks,” says Wang Lianzeng, chairman of HuaYu Agricultural Science and Technology. “We’re looking forward to starting our operations at the new facility, where we will combine HatchTech’s knowledge and technology with our own expertise in order to provide top-quality layer hens to the Chinese market.”
Large-scale project
Huibert Jan van Veelen, HatchTech’s International sales manager in China, feels proud that HuaYu and Hy-Line have chosen HatchTech for the project. “HuaYu and Hy-Line are renowned companies that both have significant expertise and years of experience in layer production,” he says. “We’re very happy to work together with them on such a large-scale project.”
The announcement of the project was made at VIV China held in Beijing from 7-9 September.